Saturday, November 6, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

The awesomest movie ever has left us speechless for a very long time, which is why we are only mentioning it now.
Go ahead, spend money on this movie by renting it, buying it, renting it... what else can you do? It's already out of theatres..

Fine, watch it online.

Here are some quotes to look out for:
1)Todd Ingram: Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday.
Scott Pilgram: What?
Todd Ingram: Because you'll be dust by Monday... because you'll be pulverized in two seconds. The cleaning lady? She cleans up... dust. She dusts.
Scott Pilgram: So, what's on Monday?
Todd Ingram: 'Cause... it's Friday now, she's the weekends off, so... Monday, right?"
2)Scott Pilgrim: You're pretentious, this club sucks, I have beef. Let's fight.
We won't ruin anymore for you. Unless you've already seen it.
If you want to relive more quotes go to >>>

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